No month-by-month journal has ever made it so easy for the gardener to get the most from their veg plot. Carol Klein and the RHS experts consider ever..
The perfect gifts for today's busy execs and future corporate leaders, the Executive Board Book series isn't just good for a laugh - these books are a..
I had two fathers, a rich one and a poor one. One was highly educated and intelligent; he had a Ph.D. and completed four years of undergraduate work i..
A veteran insurance executive provides thorough information on all areas and types of insurance, revealing how to get the needed coverage at an afford..
Eric Duan《山道猴子的一生》投稿者:鄭詠介 這部影片沒有一幕是真人拍攝,卻又比大多數影片都來得寫實。這是一個失速青年的悲劇,卻也是在現實社會中我們常常看見,卻又常常被忽略的悲劇。影片敘述了一名身處社會底層的青少年(以下簡稱猴子),為了獲得他人認同而投身機車競技,最終落得一身負債、眾叛親離,以至於車毀人亡的悲劇。儘管影片的畫面質量粗糙,配音更是令人不敢恭維,但影片還是非常寫實考究地呈現了現今..
Sianna——被遺忘的小事 投稿者:Sianna 「啪!」 昏暗的空間瞬間變得明亮起來。放下通勤包,束起長髮,卸掉妝容,一鼓作氣完成了我的「下班慣例」後,再拿起居家服和浴巾,洗澡去。 「啊啊,終於等到星期五的 Me Time 了啦!」 吹乾頭髮,點燃香薰,伴著音響播出的爵士音樂,我穿著寬鬆的居家服躺在床上,閉上眼睛感受這份只屬於自己的美好。簡單的幸福就是如此啊。 不過,星期五的夜晚還是需要跟自己..